One of the radiator became very hot but thermostat is turned off

The radiator in dining room became very hot since 2pm today, but the thermostat configured OFF the whole day!

Seems whenever the boiler is turned on, the radiator in dining room would be warmed up no matter the thermostat is configured on or off.

Could anyone advise what I should check or do? Thanks.

Alexander Lai


  • davidlyall

    Does the pin move on the valve body (the pipework valve rather than the tado head)? It's a common issue for these to seize up during summer months when they're idle. It could be that Tado is trying to close the valve but a stuck pin is preventing it from doing so meaning the radiator gets full flow

    If it's stuck, you can try working it in and out manually but if that doesn't help, you'll probably need to get a plumber to replace the valve body