Adding wired thermostat to hot water wireless starter kit



I've replaced my honeywell ST699 with the wireless starter kit for my s-plan HW and CH system and all is working as expected.

However, i've currently bridged the DT90E wired thermostat wiring and mounted the wireless thermostat here however, is there a wiring diagram for how the wired thermostat should be added to this starter kit? Does the Tado wired thermostat keep L switched to On to keep the circuit open and communicates with the receiver via the bridge?

Can I simply just swap the DT90E with the Wired Thermostat?

When configuring the Wired Thermostat, where prompted for Extentsion Kit, should this be analgous with the Wireless Receiver and set to yes with R01 for full pump?



  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    Assuming you don’t have a multi heating zone house I’m not sure what you’re trying to do? You have already installed the Tado wireless receiver - are you planning on replacing it with a wired smart thermostat? If not then there’s no way to wire in the thermostat as well as the wireless receiver. If you are just using the wireless starter kit you will have a wireless temp sensor anyway, which has no physical contacts to be wired in.
  • Ok thanks, I figured that might be the case, as per my understanding, the wired wall thermostat will be wired in relay before the terminus i.e. the receiver or what was the timer, hence why i asked if the Tado thermostats just keep the circuit open for the relay and use the circuit for power.

    What i thought about doing, was to use the wiring that is already there for something useful and more the wireless thermostat upstairs to improve temp accuracy etc

    If I cannot use the wiring for this, then i'll keep it as-is and just purchase a second wireless thermostat.


    ps tado support that I could add it, but i wasn't sure how that would work with the wireless receiver as it could effectively disrupt the live feed (noting that i'm no electrician..)

  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    Did Tado give you any instructions? All tado thermostats are battery powered, whether they’re wired in or not. If you wired in your thermostat (assuming it is a thermostat and not a a wireless temp sensor) it would do nothing as you took that wiring out of circuit when you wired in the wireless receiver. Having a second thermostat/temp sensor isn’t going to help your accuracy either unless you combine it with tado trvs on all your radiators. Even then it’s only really worth it if the trvs are covered up or you have several in one room.
  • That’s the thing, all the wiring were left as was, just used a wago connector to bridge the L and N from the old thermostat…

    Have got a bunch of TRVs on order mixing smart and basic together for cost — have a couple large rooms with twin rads etc
  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    In a large room it might be worth using a wireless temp sensor as well, you can usually get them cheaper around Black Friday.