Help replacing British Gas UT1 and hard wired temperature control

I’m trying to install my Tado starter kit to replace my old British Gas UT1 model.

The house has a combi boiler, wired to the UT1, with a separate hard wired temperature control.

Pictures of wiring attached and also the wired temperature control.

Please could you advise on how to wire my tado in successfully as following the instructions on the app hasn't worked - the receiver won’t pair and I’m left with 3 earth wires and a connected live and neutral wire not connected (all shown on the right side of the picture.

Best Answer

  • Emcee
    Emcee | Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Joey13,

    Thank you for your contribution to the tado° community forum. Unfortunately, it appears your post has gone unanswered. If the issue you've described still persists or if you continue to have questions about tado° products and services, please do not hesitate to outline these in a new post.

    We are making concerted efforts to revitalise the forum in order to ensure a more lively community space.

    Looking forward to future discussions!