Does anyone know what this means??


I occasionally get both these LED's blinking at about 1 second intervals, does anyone know why?? We don't appear to have any issues with control or anything else and i can't seem to find this listed in any manual??

Many thanks,


Best Answer

  • hugbilly
    hugbilly ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    It means that communication between the bridge and the wireless receiver has been interrupted. It’s something which has plagued many tado users, myself included. Oddly the receiver will often continue to obey commands when displaying the slow blink warning but my experience is that sometimes it does not or that its responses may be delayed. If you contact the support team they will tell you to improve the bridge to receiver signal path by reducing the distance between the two and avoiding metal objects etc. I’ve been considering a move for my own receiver but it will be awkward to achieve. It’s annoying and frustrating that these outages happen and is, I’m afraid, of the system’s deficiencies with regard to RF communication . . .