Early start question.

I have recently installed my Tado system, comprising of wired thermostat and 4 radiator smart stats. Now I have set up the room schedules and turned on early start. I have noticed that the heating turns on way to early because of this, as an example one room is set to reach temp at 6am but with early start on it turns on at 1.30am and is at temp 1.15hrs later. Meaning it is at temp over 3hrs before the set time.
Now does they system learn? And if I leave it, it will lean how long rooms take to heat up or should I just adjust my on times and then off early start?


  • davidlyall

    Early start doesn't work with the smart TRVs. I've no idea why no but you'll find plenty of threads on here echoing the same behaviour you saw

    The system does learn but it doesn't seem to be able to learn how to use early start!

    I'm not sure if the same situation applies if you're using a wireless temp sensor. Anyone care to comment