Problem with Pump after wiring


Hello everyone

I am trying to install a Tado v3+ wireless.

I have at the moment an old Danfoss FP715SI (controller) and a RX1 RET-B (receiver)

The system is a S-plan (I think) with a tank and a full pump system.

I replace the controller pretty easily.

And I bridge the old receiver

I didn't take a picture when bridged but I just plug the black cable with the brown cable.

When I do that the Tado receiver turn on perfectly but even with the heat and water turn off my pump is ON and keep sending the hot water from the tank to the CH, and the tank is requesting hot water so the boiler turn on.

I am trying to understand why is the pump ON all the time ? Because of this it is super hot in my house so I changed back to the old one for the moment.


  • Aseax

    @GrilledCheese2 any idea :D ?

  • davidlyall

    So, do the wires from the the plate in pic 4 go to the plate on pic 7? It seems a strange setup but by bridging the black and brown wires I suspect you've turned on the CH permanently

    Did you get customised installation instructions from Tado? When you do the install, it should ask you what you have in place and will tell you how to wire it up

  • wateroakley
    wateroakley ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023

    This appears to be a wiring problem. On the old room stat, putting the black onto the brown (live) tells the CH and boiler/pump to turn on, permanently. The link should be between the black and grey? That will bridge COM to ON in the room stat. Leaving the wireless receiver CH to control on and off. If in doubt, best to consult a professional.

  • Aseax

    Thank you for your answer, I made another test: change controller only and request 30 degrees on the old thermostat and it WORKS! So basically you are right, the problem was my bridging ! CH NO should by linked with the com and not the L