Can V2 use OpenTherm and Geofencing?



I'm looking for a non-subscription smart solution for my heating.

The 2 things I am mostly wanting are..

1) Geofencing to automatically turn off the heating when everyone has left

2) OpenTherm control of my boiler

Does anyone know if V2 or V3 can do this for me,?

I currently have a wired thermostat so figured I would get another wired stat but keep reading about needing to get an EU version and some confusion about whether it needs to be wired or wireless to get the OpenTherm capability ?

Thank in advance, Dennis


  • johnnyp78
    Do a forum search for Opentherm, it’s been asked over and over again which devices are compatible. Your smart thermostat should be. As far as I know you won’t be able to get automatic geofencing without paying for it unless you’re a legacy user who’s had Tado for years.
  • mcgada

    The wired tado thermostat will have open therm.... if you have a v2 (internet bridge) and purchased this with the wireless extender, you have good chance of having open therm on your extender. The newer versions (released, i think with V3/V3+) are not open therm and you need to buy the EU equivalent to get this. If you dont need a wireless extender and already have a wired thermostat, any tado device will work with open therm.