Why are my rads not shutting off?

After several weeks of use the tado radiator thermostats are all beginning to fail. When the correct temperature is reached, nothing happens, the thermostat stays open and the rooms get hotter and hotter.

I have a screenshot of the app but this forum doesn't seem to allow attached pics.

For example : thermostat set to 20°. App says temp is 21.5° and Heating to 20°. Room becomes boiling hot with zero automated control. I have to set each overheating room manually to a cold temp to force tado to close the valve.


  • Continued... I have a screenshot of the app but this forum doesn't seem to allow attached pics.
    For example : thermostat set to 20°. App says temp is 21.5° and "Heating to 20°"
  • johnnyp78
    If they’re all beginning to fail after a few weeks then it should be straightforward to get Tado to replace them. I would check that it isn’t a problem with the radiator pins first or batteries.
  • wateroakley

    The easiest way to attach a picture is from a web browser. E.g. Firefox screenshot:

    • Wow. This forum format is awful. Try and post 3 pictures and find an error message "Body is 19 characters too short". Laughable. Hopefully this rubbish is more than 19 letters.

  • Poppycock536382
    edited December 2023

    It isn't the pins. The radiators do shut off, just not at the desired temperature. Tado just seems to like to roast the rads way past the thermostat settings. Also if I shut the rads down in the app manually, they shut off. If I resume schedule the rads switch back on and roast, even though the app says they are way over their set shut off temp, Sometimes 1.5 to 2 degrees hotter than their setting, which is awful, hot, expensive, and a waste of money.

    It's not the batteries although I do have battery warnings on other weeks old Tado thermostats. Two years Tado said, two weeks seems to be the reality.

  • wateroakley

    22 months as a user … there are still some quirks. Our rads mostly turn off room heating before the set temperature. The system has to settled down and works out when. Some (smaller) rooms overshoot by a degree or so. Most are much closer. One room temperature graph bounces up and down when not heating, and nowt should be happening, other than the pipework. Rooms with a wireless room stat are pretty accurate. Those with TRV measurements are less so. That’s the accuracy of +/- 0.1 vs +/- 0.5 deg C. Comfort level are personal … I’d be in summer shorts and t-shirt with your room settings!

  • You wouldn't be in shorts and t-shirt because the Tado temps displayed have zero relevance to the room temp. Tado will state the room is at 25 degrees and an independent themometer will show the room is at 21 degrees, and that's already with a lot of temperature offset. The Tado thermostats only give a decent reading of the room temperature when the heating is off. When the heating is on the Tado thermostats give a ridiculous reading because they are attached to the radiator.