Already have Tado but getting a new boiler - Any advice?

Hi all.

I have had Tado working fine for 3 months.

The boiler is old and unfortunately packed in last night.

I'm getting a new one installed asap.

I can't seem to find any Tado advice about setting an already working Tado to a newly installed boiler.

I presume they'll be a reset of the Tado kit but I can't seem to find anything official.

Any advice?


  • hugbilly
    If your system is conventional (e.g. Y plan with a hot water cylinder) and you’re simply installing a replacement boiler without any other changes then the existing tado setup should “bolt” straight on to the new boiler. I’ve just done such an upgrade myself and it was very straightforward . . .
  • Yes, that's the plan. Thanks Hugbilly.
    When you did the upgrade, with any of the Tado devices, particularly the wireless receiver or internet bridge did you "remove device from home" and effectively reinstall them once the new boiler was up and running?
  • hugbilly
    No, the boiler was installed and then the existing was reconnected. The only difference was that because the new boiler controls the pump (because of the need for overrun) the latter is fed from the pump terminals on the boiler itself rather than direct from the wiring centre as previously . . .
  • Thanks again HugBilly. Exactly what I was hoping to hear.
    I did also find some advice from Tado eventually which may help others in the same situation until future:
    In short, go to the pre installed "Wireless Receiver" in the "Settings" > "Rooms and Devices."
    Once there, click on "Installation Instructions" and it talks you through it.