No internet


I am thinking of installing wireless radiator thermostatic valves on all my radiators.

I have good experience with a wireless surveillance camera system which is very reliant on the internet and on a remote server being up and running, in another country! If that server in that other country is down, or if you have no internet, you then lose the ability to view or control your cameras even if you are standing 2 feet away from them.

Is the Tado system reliant on the internet and some server out of my control, or will it also function without it?


  • hugbilly
    It can be controlled manually without an internet connection but there will be no capability to follow a schedule . . .
  • GrayDav4276

    As @hugbilly said,

    But also.....if your internet is down you will have no indication of your tado rooms on the the only notification that you will get is the momentary indication on the specific device that you are manually changing.

  • wateroakley

    @akis Both hugbilly and GrayDav are correct. We have 22 months continuous use with no noticeable outage. If you use the TRV child-lock function, you probably need to reset the TRV to regain manual control ... take the TRV batteries out for 2 minutes and reinsert.