V2 Internet Bridge & Tado Pro Installer App - Compatibility Issue?

edited December 2023 in General Questions & Topics


I am struggling to get my V2 internet bridge connected to the professional installers application.

I'd like to have this set-up because I've recently configured my boiler to Opentherm using and old wireless extension kit. It's working fine but I need to adjust the central heating flow temps.

After researching.... I now understand this can only be done (via end-users) on V3 internet bridges but I am unable to connect to the pro app at all - despite scanning and manually entering the serial number and auth code. I have contacted support to get them to reduce the boiler flow temp.

However... the fact I am unable to connect is annoying me as I am sure I should be able to do so.

The error message is "There is an error in the details you have entered. Please add them again." - On both QR code scan and manual entry.

I have noticed other users / threads with the same issue of V2 bridges not working with Pro App - This was raised with Tado - my understanding from reading the comments is that V2 and Pro App is compatible and that those issues had been raised internally to resolve.... but with trying on two separate set-ups, both v2 - it would appear these are still not resolved.

My internet bridge starts with a GW - I think that the V3 bridges start with IB? - Could this be an issue?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


P.S -

The thread I mention is linked below. @Jurian are you able to provide any more information on this? Re: Comments from November 2022.

