'Until temperature is reached'

Why don't we have this option in Manual control?

We have:

Until next automatic change
Until you resume schedule

Timer should be changed to 'Until temperature is reached'

I have Google Home automations as 'Set point' option which seems to kick off Manual control in tado, which I have as Timer option at 45 minutes.

Rarely is 45 minutes long enough to actually reach the required temperature.



  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    .....but what do you want it to do on attaining target temp? Turn off? ...and if so why?

  • davidlyall
    I would assume they want it to revert to whatever the seeing was before - schedule or manual

    Either way, this should be in the suggestions forum
  • wateroakley

    The proposal does not make practical sense to me. E.g. you can set the timer option to (say) 60 or 90 minutes or longer, and the trv will turn off when the set temperature is reached?