w.Intercom = i;Local Access and Control of Tado Heating System — tado° Community

Local Access and Control of Tado Heating System

In the event of an internet outage, of which there could be many reasons, my Tado heating system which uses smart TRVs, becomes entirely unusable and the valves stay in the position set when the outage occurs. In my case, the valves were off/frost protection and will remain so until my internet is restored, which due to hardware failure, will be some days. In the middle of winter, not a very good position to be in and potentially quite a dangerous one if you are elderly or frail.

Tado, I think that there needs to be a rethink on how the system control is managed.

Local Access and Control of Tado Heating System 4 votes

Yes, local control of the heating system is esential.
hugbillyStill_on_coalDiggedySB87 4 votes
No, relying exclusively on internet stability is fine.


  • hugbilly
    hugbilly ✭✭✭
    edited January 2024
    Yes, local control of the heating system is esential.

    You can still operate the valves manually and, if set up that way, they will still call for heat and turn the boiler on so long as the bridge is functioning. I discovered this a little while ago when we lost our internet connection for 5 days. I believe the bridge does need to retain an ethernet connection for this.

    But this arrangement is entirely unsatisfactory and a Wiser solution is what tado needs to provide (pun entirely intentional . . .)

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  • Yes, local control of the heating system is esential.

    It has been requested before, it still hasn't been implemented and it's still far from satisfactory.

    My valves were set with anti-tamper child lock, so nothing could be adjusted.

  • Yes, local control of the heating system is esential.

    Again only a workaround, but I think if you remove and replace the TRV batteries the child lock will be defeated . . .

  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator

    IIRC … Dismount the TRV, remove the batteries, leave them out for more than 10 seconds, refit and remount the TRV. This resets the TRV and defeats the parent who set the child lock.

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