w.Intercom = i;Adding UFH — tado° Community

Adding UFH

Hello all,

Currently my heating (combi boiler) is controlled by a TADO using a wireless receiver, wireless sensor and internet bridge etc. I want to introduce two zone heating by installing two, two port values, i assume that i can operate one of these values using the equipment i currently have, can i purchase another wireless sensor or do i need a wired sensor to operate the other value?


  • The valves need to be physically connected to a triggering device. You can also get the same effect as zoned heating by using tado TRVs.
  • Johnnyp, thanks for your reply. when you say a triggering device what do you mean? I assumed that the motorised values would be connected to the thermostat although I hadn't considered how yet! The TRV is interesting so rather than a motorised valve install TRVs? or have i miss understood

  • I’m not sure if you’re talking about ufh? If so you might need zone valves. If it’s just rad heating then you can use tado TRVs to do the same thing as would be done with zone valves.