w.Intercom = i;Best way to integrate UFH with Combi running Opentherm/ Smart TRVs? — tado° Community

Best way to integrate UFH with Combi running Opentherm/ Smart TRVs?

I have an ideal combi boiler, logic 30 max.

The heating loop is connected directly to radiators with no zone valves.

Tado room stat in the living room (paired up with rad TRV) acts as the zone controller as such and is wired to boiler via Opentherm for heat request. We have 4 other rads controlled by Tado smart TRVs, with one radiator open all the time.

We are looking to integrate UFH. Into 2 rooms. (1 that currently has the open rad and 1 additional room part of extension) What would be the best way hardware / wiring wise?

I've read about putting the radiator heating and underfloor heating on separate zones, but if using zone valves I presume that means no opentherm and therefore no modulation?

Open to suggestions / ideas!

Best Answer

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @jam_rs,

    Thank you for your contribution to the tado° community forum. Unfortunately, it appears your post has gone unanswered. If the issue you've described still persists or if you continue to have questions about tado° products and services, please do not hesitate to outline these in a new post.

    We are making concerted efforts to revitalise the forum in order to ensure a more lively community space.

    Looking forward to future discussions!


  • Shame that no one from Tado can answer or advise!
  • Hello again @jam_rs,

    You can try posting again, as I suggested in my first message. As part of our efforts to revive the community, questions/discussions submitted before April 1, 2024 are being closed. This is because it would not be feasible to answer all of the forum's unanswered questions.

    I would also recommend that you reach out to tado° support for questions like the one you posed above. Our support team is the most informed when it comes to hardware compatibility and integration.

    I hope you stay active in the community despite its past shortcomings 🙂 I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the direction we'll be bringing the forum in coming months.

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