Heating always on


I just installed the v3+ starter kit, it's a simple old oil boiler with no zones or separate hot water.

It appeared to work OK at the start but now boiler is on when ch light and app says off.

With power off and wires out I get continuity between ch COM and ch NO. Is this the stuck relay issue that seems to be common?

Pic attached


  • rob751

    After reading some more I gave it a few hard taps and it turned off. Anyone know if this is a persistent issue or just with newly installed controllers?

    Looks like a faulty unit, I'll follow up with support.

  • davidlyall

    Had this issue a couple of times with my extension kit after installation. Not sure if it was a stuck relay or firmware as it hasn't happened again since the firmware updated

    I would keep a close eye on it and if it keep happening, get Tado to replace it

  • Csabah
    Guys my system is up and running thanks to customer support team. Was a bit slow on response, but finally they changed frequency on my system and now I have instant response on all my devices. I was thinking to return my system but now all working as it should, I'm in love again with my tado. My advice if anyone has slow response on any devices, contact support... now I can tell when the system runs smoothly. Change on your devices should be almost instant, depending on your network speed. I have 1 or 2 second maximum between clicking my phone and display on the valve. Before I had 5 or 10 seconds or even more. So if your system runs slow, don't wait until loose connection... speak to support.