Thermostat stuck on 'ON'


I have a older wired thermostat (c2015) and seems to be stuck on (call for heat). The buttons and lights on the thermostat and on the app all function correctly, showing ch is off, but boiler is still on. Only way to stop CH is by taking the thermostat off the wall mount. (have changed batteries, showing 100% in app)

I am guessing that the relay inside the thermostat has failed and is stuck in the ON position. I tried tapping it to see if i could release the switch, but no luck. Any tips?

If i need to replace the thermostat, i note that only V3 is now available. Is this newer version still compatible with the older other components in the system (bridge, wireless thermostat)

Screwfix (uk) have a very good offer on Tado at the moment.