w.Intercom = i;Interaction between smart thermostat & smart trvs — tado° Community

Interaction between smart thermostat & smart trvs

edited April 2024 in General Questions & Topics

Hi. I fitted a new TADO wireless starter kit a couple of weeks back. After some initial teething problems it is now working fine & I am pleased with it.

I now wish to fit some smart trvs. My questions is about how they will interact. I have fitted the smart stat in the living room & want put trvs in the bedrooms. The advice seems to be NOT to fit trvs in the room that has the smart stat. So what happens when the smart stat is satisfied, ie not calling for heat, & one or more trvs are calling for heat? I cannot see how this will work because water will flow through the non trv radiators whilst trying to satisfy the trv demands.

in reverse I can understand. If the main room calls for heat the trvs can shut off.

Help please!

Best Answers

  • hugbilly
    hugbilly ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If you don't want the living room to be heated when its 'stat is off but the bedrooms are calling for heat you need to add tadoº TRVs to the living room. When you install them use the app to put them in the same virtual room as the smart stat and it will control them more accurately than they are able to do themselves . . .

  • Fatjac
    Answer ✓
    Thanks. Your comment makes sense to me. I asked because I thought that I read somewhere that you should NOT put trvs into the same room as the thermostat? Perhaps I got that wrong?


  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator

    You would not put a manual TRV in the same room as your thermostat. However, you can put a Tado TRV and Tado thermostat in the same room. The Tado 'room' settings in the app should default to the thermostat as the measuring device. The Tado thermostat accuracy is +/- 0.1 deg C, while the TRV accuracy is +/- 0.5 deg C.

  • Similar question I think……. I have two heating zones in the house. Downstairs is wireless tado v3 with hot water - happy with that. Upstairs is a separate zone controlled by wired tado in main bedroom. A different bedroom is always colder than the rest and never gets warm. How could I use smart TRVs in conjunction with the room thermostat and would I need them in all bedrooms / bathrooms on the same zone?
  • @david9374652 not sure I understand you. 1. When you say you have two heating zones, are they separately triggered by a zone valve which is controlled by a Tado thermostat?
    2. The other bedrooms, do they have individual trvs, smart or not? Have you gone through the trouble of balancing your radiators so that they all heat at the same pace, when there is a call for heat?

    Rebalancing your radiators really does save money. If you haven't got the time to do that, then the simplest thing is to fit smart trvs in every bedroom.
  • Thanks for the reply. Yes - two zone valves in the house controlled by 2 tado room thermostats, one wireless downstairs and one wired upstairs.

    I haven’t balanced the radiators - that sounds sensible so will try that. All the radiators in the house have TRVs, apart from the two where the room stats are.

    If I want to install smart TRVs upstairs, am I right in thinking they’d be installed in every room apart from the bedroom where the room thermostat is? How would the main bedroom not keep heating if one of the other rooms calls for heat via the smart TRV?
  • You need TRVs in the rooms with thermostats, the latter will control them . . .
  • So the existing tado wired thermostat calls for heat when any of the new smart TRVs request it. Hence the need for a smart TRV in the room with the tado thermostat. Just trying to make sure I understand!!