w.Intercom = i;tado & multizone wet UFH — tado° Community

tado & multizone wet UFH



On our first floor, we currently have a single zone UFH set-up, using a Robot manifold. The manifold has a 'dumb' TRV on it. We have an internet bridge. The dumb TRV is paired to a wireless smart thermostat which senses the temperature in the zone. This wireless thermostat is also paired to a wired thermostat which in turn is connected to the boiler to call for heat. This works fine for us.

Recently, we have renovated our second floor and attic. We have added 2 new manifolds. In the attic the manifold is single zone and we intend to set it up the same way as we have on the first floor using the same internet bridge and wired thermostat from that set-up.

The UFH plan on the second floor has multiple zones for each of the three bedrooms. I'm not sure how to configure the set-up and what equipment we need. I am currently understanding the following:

We can have a wireless smart thermostat in each of the three bedrooms to sense the temperature. We can pair each of those wireless smart thermostats to their own wired smart thermostat with the temperature-measuring function disabled (as i understand multiple wireless receivers are not officially supported). The wired thermostats are in turn each connected to the corresponding actuator on the manifold and open/close as required. Secondly, the wireless smart thermostats in each bedroom can also be paired to the same wired thermostat we have from the first floor set-up (which is connected to the boiler) to call for heat. So one wireless smart thermostat paired to two wired thermostats doing two different functions (1 - actuator control, 2 - calling for heat).

Would that create the desired outcome of controlling multiple zones, via multiple manifolds from the same tado account/app?

Corrections, confirmations, comments, improvements etc. all welcome!
