w.Intercom = i;Wireless Thermostat not switching on boiler — tado° Community

Wireless Thermostat not switching on boiler

Hi, we have 5 radiators with wireless thermostats, the one in my sons bedroom will not activate the boiler, all connect fine in app, shows no issues on app, switch the radiator on in his room, temperature changes on the thermostat but nothing from the boiler, we have to switch another room on to get his radiator to heat up, all other wireless valves are fine, we have disconnected and re-set the valve but no change, any idea anyone? Thank you


  • The only thing that springs to mind (aside from a fault) is that this TRV has somehow been set to "independent", so it will open and close to schedule, but will not request the boiler to fire.

    Go into the ROOM settings and make sure this TRV is associated with the zone controller and is not independent.

  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator

    @Bevncl1970 Hello Bevncl. The advice from @eezytiger is good.