w.Intercom = i;add-on wireless temp sensor or add-on smart thermostat? — tado° Community

add-on wireless temp sensor or add-on smart thermostat?

quick question.

i have a tado sytem already in place (uk combi boiler), controlling just heating 1 zone.
3 rads with smart trvs.
smart thermostat running as a wireless temp sensor.

i want to add a wirless temp sensor in the other 2 rooms that only have the smart TRVs for better/more accurate temps.

on the store they have a "Add-on Wireless Temperature Sensor" and a "Add-on Smart Thermostat" (both at the same price currently).

is it correct that i just need the "Add-on Wireless Temperature Sensor" ?

Best Answer

  • policywonk
    policywonk ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Yes it does. Both can do the same job, the wired thermostat can also switch stuff, if you need that to happen. Your call really.


  • policywonk
    policywonk ✭✭✭
    edited October 2024

    Do I understand this right? You want to add wireless wall sensors to help overcome the variance in the smart radiator thermostats? If so, the device you seek is a Wireless Temp sensor. It becomes the controller for the room you want, and then refers to the main controller, likely a wired Smart Stat to handle the boiler for it.

    Usually in Tado parlance, the thing they call a thermostat is actually a Smart Wired Thermostat and we use it physically connect either to the boiler to manage it, or to a zone valve (when not a combi) - whereas the thing called Temperature Sensor is the same, but in practice doesnt have the capacity to physically wire in control of something else.

  • The smart thermostat actually also works wirelessly as I currently use one in that mode