w.Intercom = i;Upgraded to Tado X, lost lifetime Auto-Assist! — tado° Community

Upgraded to Tado X, lost lifetime Auto-Assist!

I took up the discount offer to upgrade my original Tado to Tado X. The email offer says:

"As a long-time customer, you can take your free Auto-Assist with you when you switch to tado° X. Your Auto-Assist will work as soon as you've connected the tado° X Bridge. Please note that the transfer is only possible if you purchase tado° X from the webshop on tado.com."

I followed all the instructions (bought the new kit from the Tado webshop using my code), however Auto-Assist is not working - the app just offers me the option to start a 12 month trial.

Tado's chat support are acting like they have no idea what I'm talking about - "It's an in-app purchase, talk to Google".

Have others had this problem? What are my chances of getting it solved?


  • Hello @benlye

    Yes, if you had life-time Auto-Assist it should have migrated to your new tado° X set-up. I see you opened a new support ticket about it this morning. Please don't do this. You've previously had an agent named Tamara who helped you with your purchase. I see you've already written to her about the problem, please wait for her response. I will also write her a note.

  • benlye
    edited November 2024

    Please don't do this.

    Thanks for your reply, but I'm not sure what I did wrong - why shouldn't I have opened a support ticket? I didn't think it was related to my pre-sales question, and Tamara hadn't read my message or responded so I tried again.

    FYI, my message to Tamara was 22hrs ago and it is still showing as "Not seen yet" even though she appears to be online.

    Not having this functionality is very inconvenient, I'm hoping that it can be sorted out quickly.

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    edited November 2024


    Your ticket has now been escalated to the appropriate team.

    Apologies if the process was not clear.

    Just in general, if tado° customers have an agent assigned to them, opening a new ticket clogs up the pipeline. Best to stick to your current agent. You can reach your agent again by responding to their last email.

  • I have lost auto assist to, I have a ticket open but no response yet.
  • Support did eventually get back to me and my auto-assist was reinstated over the weekend. I'm sure they'll sort it for you too.

  • Let’s hope so, I ordered via the link tado sent me.
  • hi,

    Im having same issue, I see only 12 months trial option for auto assist, however Im unable to redeem it. When trying I get this error message in attached screenshot. Could this be solved please? Already in touch with Leon via support chat/email.