w.Intercom = i;Hot water in Tado app, but not Apple Home app? — tado° Community

Hot water in Tado app, but not Apple Home app?

Hi all,

Installed my Tado X this weekend for heating (with Tado X thermostat) + hot water (just original fixed temp stat on the hot water tank). It's all showing up in the Tado app. Tado app has correct schedule for heating on/off, heating temp, and hot water on/off schedule showing.

The Tado X thermostat also shows up in the Apple Home app fine, with central heating on/off and heating temp. But what about hot water? Any way to get that in Apple Home? Seems a bit annoying if I can control everything in my house from the Apple app, except my hot water. Am I missing something?

Best Answer

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @PhloopH

    Unfortunately, HomeKit does not support Hot Water Control at the moment.
    Hot water can only be controlled by the tado° App


  • Bump.

    Still haven’t worked this out…
  • So that's an Apple issue, not Tado one? :(

  • I think I saw I can do that through homebridge though, yes? (I haven't tried homebridge but have a raspberry pi floating about somewhere I might play with)