w.Intercom = i;Saunier Duval Sema Condens can not configure with ebus — tado° Community

Saunier Duval Sema Condens can not configure with ebus


I have tried to change my "normal" thermostast(Coati

Coati C12617 ) to a Tado V3+ because its compatible with ebus. I had a Wired configuration and i want to do the same with Tado

I had this configuration with Coati in Saunier

Reading documents now I have this one in Saunier(Bypassing RT24V and changing cables to ebus pins)

and now I have this configuration in Tado

Also i have made:

-Paring the bridge with the Tado Thermostast.

-Enter in Tado Thermostas configuration:

ID07,HC01,HW(Enable),EK(Disable). I have also tryied with HC02.

I made all the configuration with Saunier off and after i swithched on , but nothing worked.

Any help please?


  • Hi. Finally I get the solution. The "bridge" between the pins in RT24V was not corretly done. I use a tester to check it and i get the problem.

    I hope that this info will help any more

  • So does that mean the 24V terminals should not be bridged ?