Boiler on, boiler off... hot water taking ages to heat
I have been lurking here for a month or so since installing the Tado X.
Replaced a Drayton LP722 which is connected to a Glo-Warm Flexicom 15HX
There are no extra connections to the Boiler (I am aware of a wireless device that can connect)
I followed instructions as per the Tado X installation notes and wired appropriately.
It doesn't feel as if it is working correctly…
the house gets warm, but the water can take an age to heat. Sometimes we have 54deg hot water in the morning and sometimes it is 41deg.
I can hear the system click off and then back on again with in a second. It will stay on for a period of time and then click off and back on again.
Looking at the boiler, if I set the boiler max flow to 65deg for instance, I will see the boiler light up, heat up for a bit and then get switched off (by, I assume this off and on process from the Tado X). Sometimes it will fire for long enough to get to the max temp, sometimes it will only fire for a couple of seconds and then back off again.
The result of all of this is that the water is never allowed to get to max temperature to enable a relatively quick heat up of the hot water tank - the water in the tank has stayed on 41deg today for over an hour…. (I have an external thermostat a third of the way up the tank set at whatever temp I want it to be)
I have tried switching off the CH, disconnecting the HC and the HO cables, restarting and resetting…
This behaviour appears to be it's feature… sort of randomly guessing when to switch off the boiler to keep the condensing element of the boiler working
Is this right???
Wiring diagrams attached…