w.Intercom = i;Tado Devices do not switch on the heating system pump — tado° Community

Tado Devices do not switch on the heating system pump

Hello, we installed Tado 4 years ago. Mostly working fine.

However, we noted four of the devices (attached to individual radiators) when switched on and set to desired temperature “do not” turn on central heating system, and not the heating pump nor boiler.

The devices are connected to our Tado home network.

We have removed the devices and added to our Tado again, problem still persists.

Lastly, we have tried added “newly purchased devices. They show “Connected” but still would not turn on the heating radiator.

Any help on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated!



  • Hey, if you open the app, go to 'Settings'--> 'Rooms& Devices' and then pick a room name where those TRVs are installed. Can you check if you have a zone controller assigned?
  • Hi, thanks for getting back. Cannot find the room controller option in the device setting.

    How do I assign a zone controller ? Thanks
  • The device when installed should be typically installed within a new room created. So you should see an arrow next to the room name in which the trv is installed in.
    When you go into the room, at the bottom of the list there should be an option labeled as 'zone controller'. If it says 'none' it means the TRV won't call boiler for heating. Click on that and select the controller that serves your boiler (typically there should be on option to choose from only)
  • hugbilly
    hugbilly ✭✭✭

    Here's an example of a room which is assigned to a zone controller . . .

  • Thanks, your reply has helped me to locate the cause of the problem - namely that we have more then 10 rooms / devices in the set up and the 11+ rooms / thermostats thus cannot be assigned a zone controller.

    Two questions -
    1. can I buy an extra zone controller for the surplus thermotats.

    2. If I group multiple devices into a room, can the devices within the same room set different temperatures?

    Thank you again for your help