Wireless Temperature sensor doesn't open both smart radiator thermostats included.

After installing a new Wireless Temperature Sensor in the middle of the room between 2 radiators, only one of the radiators is heating up when the Wireless Temperature Sensor is calling for "low level" heat (1 heating wave).
If the sensor demands medium or high level of heating (2 or 3 heating waves), I don't experience any issues.
I have been using Smart Radiator Thermostats for 10 months, and earlier both radiators were working just fine separately.
Is it in any way possible to calibrate the thermostat manually in a way to open a little bit more on a low heating demand?
Kind regards,
Hi @Kresten,
I am having the same issue.
I contacted support and apparently, there are hidden settings that only they can change which regulate the sensitivity of the Tado Smart Radiator Thermostats.
I have asked them to change all my Smart Radiator Thermostats to open as soon as there is heating on or 1 heating wave.
Just waiting for them to make these changes.
I think this setting should be exposed in the app for every customer to change if desired.
I have created a future request if you can please open the link and upvote it that would be great.