w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }[Released] Finer granularity of temperature reporting and adjustment for Smart Radiator Thermostats - Page 2 — tado° Community

[Released] Finer granularity of temperature reporting and adjustment for Smart Radiator Thermostats



  • @GrayDav4276 It will also be interesting to see how many people are constantly tinkering with their heating temperature settings to notice the change as personally the only time I adjust my thermostat manually is when the heating engineer is doing the annual service and needs the gas boiler firing up. The rest of the time I simply leave it to the smart schedule and geofencing.

  • T3Nembo
    edited June 2021

    [Released] 0.5° Temperature step for SRTs

    tado° is excited to present our 0.5°C temperature “Step size” changes for our Smart Radiator Thermostats.

    Many of you who appreciate our products have asked for a 0.5°C temperature change feature and we are glad to introduce the 0.5°C temperature granularity and reiterate our commitment to your satisfaction.

    You can now set the temperature to increments of 0.5°C instead of increments of 1.

    This applies:

    • In the Manual Control as you slide up and down.
    • In the Smart Schedule when you set the temperature on a Block.
    • In the Away Configuration - Away temperature.

    Thanks for using tado°

  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator


    [...] "In the Smart Schedule when you set the temperature on a Block" - are you sure?

    App ver. 6.8 (10530) goes by 0.1°

    Also confirmed by @Germán here https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/comment/28088#Comment_28071

  • Unknown
    edited June 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • The comment above only relates to the manual control and do not relate to the Smart Schedule.

  • This content has been removed.
  • So do I get 0.5 granularity or resolution on my wall thermostat or do you all recommend another system. Not taken the plunge yet. But current Honeywell thermostat does only whole degrees, thinking of going Fahrenheit

  • @rekabmit

    The tado° wall thermostat uses a granularity of:

    • 1.0 degrees in manual control on the device itself
    • 0.5 degrees in manual control in the app.
    • 0.1 degrees in the Smart Schedule. This is only true for our wall thermostats, the radiator thermostats also use a 0.5 degree granularity in the schedule.

    This is in Celsius. Honestly, I am not sure about Fahrenheit as we don't typically offer our heating products in countries that use Fahrenheit. Our devices can be set to Fahrenheit, and I assume the same resolution is used for Fahrenheit.

  • George_Storm
    edited January 24

    I don't understand the comments that supposedly justify increased setting error when the intinsic system error increases. The limit on the value of setting errors is the granularity of the temperature sensor: if the sensor provides 0.1-degree granularity, then the setting error should be 0.1 degree. Thus all internal set points should track in 0.1 degree steps.
    The reason for this is that the errors add: if the combination of cycling range, positioning mismatch etc gives a total worst-case error of (say) 1-degree, then the worst-case error for an optimally set thermostat is 1.05 degrees. If the granularity is 1-degree, then the worst-case error with optimum setting is 1.5-degrees.

    In addition, if there is an average error is caused by closeness to the radiator, this will change in a predictable way, and I am quite capable of modifying a room thermostat according to outdoor conditions.

    Finally, it will take a significant time for me to feel discomfort when the room temperature changes by 1-degree. Cycling spread is there to protect the equipment and prevent local overshoot from making changes too frequently. A control algorithm that reduces spread when the heating is not working hard can maintain comfort and economy without causing significant additional wear and tear.