Thermostat shows wrong temperature (-3 degree Celcius) - possible defect?

edited November 2022 in General Questions & Topics


Recently I started using 4 thermostats (Smart Radiator Thermostat Basic + Internet Bridge) and looks like one of them has broken temperature sensor. For the first 3-4 days it showed me correct temperature (as per my feelings). But then it started to show invalid temperature and hence it regulated radiator wrongly, so it became quite cold in the room.

I put a thermometer on it and did some measurements - looks like it shows temperature higher than real one - discrepancy is about 3 degrees Celsius. I read the guide and set offset for 3 degrees. It looks like that sensor works not properly anyway and I cannot rely on it. I still can see a discrepancy between thermometer and data from the thermostat from time to time.

As I understand offset feature is implemented for the case when real temperature in the room (for example in the center of the room, far from radiator) differs from thermostat. But in my case it looks like temperature sensor is broken.

A couple of examples:

Example WITH offset (3 degrees):

So maybe it's under warranty? I'd be happy if this thermostat could be replaced. I definitely like your products and app and understand that device defects can occur from time to time.

Best Answer

  • GrayDav4276
    GrayDav4276 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    You have posted this in the Community Forum for need to raise this issue with tado° support.....a link is available in the App
    Just to help you to confirm that you have a faulty SRT...... Swap the suspect SRT with one that you are happy with and see if the issue is transferred to the other radiator.


  • DJGlock
    edited November 2022

    @GrayDav4276 makes sense. Thank you. I'll swap it and will raise to support.

  • DJGlock

    Yeah, strange thing, but another thermostat has similar behaviour on this radiator. Looks like an anomaly.

  • vjpr

    You need an external temperature sensor.