On-off switch


Will a simple on-off switch be implemented in tado? This is necessary as I need to be able to control my heating and hot water, when I am not at home but eg my parents are (they don't need to have the app to control my heating!). It seems that Netatmo does have this kind of feature and also has a holliday schedule that you can implement? Also during summer I usually turn of the heating to save money, so Tado will not give save extra here. As tado is the only one asking to pay for all functions off the app, I believe that essentials should be included.

Please if you are planning to include let me know, than I can change my mind of changing back to my old system.

Kind regards,



  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    This has been requested in many other posts over a lengthy period.

  • datoon

    You can use IFTTT to do this

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @datoon could you please share that with us?

  • datoon

    sign up to https://ifttt.com/

    Create an applet - I'm using a button

    When it's pressed turn all the heating on

    I started my own app, but then realised IFTTT does it for me!

  • datoon

    I also did the same, for when my parents used to pick up my kids from school.

    Every Friday at 1500 turn on the heating...