w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Auto-assist not working — tado° Community

Auto-assist not working

I have set home and away temperatures and these change correctly when selected in Geofencing tab. When in auto i have been receiving home and away notifications.

Now ty hat i am starting to use heating in the evening i subscribed to auto-asdist. But although the geofencing tab shows the correct home or awsy, autoassist is not changing the temperatures automatically. I can still do this using the buttons in the Geofencing. tab.
I have tried the chat support but the techie obviously didn't understand my problem and kept asking for the precise time of the occurrence and the discrepancy in the temperature for an individual device.

Is there an auto-assist configuration page?


  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    Do you have preheat before arrival turned on (look on the away schedule page)? Have you allowed the Tado app to use location services (presumably you have if it can tell whether you’re home or away)?
  • Thanks location services are working and the Geofencing tab correctly shows whether home or away.
    Do i need pre heating to be on or off for auto-assist to work?
    Everything appears to be set correctly, just that auto-assist isn't doing anything.
  • Preheat before arrival means that the heating comes on when you approach your house rather than when you arrive at it. Can you explain what’s happening a bit more clearly? What target temperature are the rooms set to? Is the boiler coming on when you’re at home? Can you activate it manually?
  • Everything works correctly if home or away initiated manually.

    Geofencing shows the status as home or away once we get 2 miles from home. Before i subscribed to Auto-assist it sent a notification when we were 2 miles from home.
    I subscribed to Auto-assist and it should automatically change from home or away status, effectively turning the heating up or down as appropriate. It is the Auto-assist the isn't working.
  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    Can you provide some screenshots of what’s happening? Are you saying that the schedule remains in away status when you’re at home or vice versa? Is the boiler being activated when you’re at home despite the heating being at target temperature or not coming on when the heating is below target? I’m still not quite seeing what the problem is.
  • The system is working correctly, i have just started scheduling heat in the evening as it is getting colder.

    I installed the Tado system in July when I changed my boiler. In the App I can toggle home and away manually from the Geofencing tab without a problem. Over the summer I have been getting notifications from Geofencing telling me if I am home or away. However as I wasn't using the boiler I just ignored them. Now that I am using the heating I subscribed to Auto-assist and set Geofencing to Auto which is supposed to automatically toggle Home or away as appropriate.

    Now I don't get the notifications, nor does the system toggle between Home and away automatically as it is supposed to do. Looking at the App Geofencing is correctly showing the change of status. It must be an issue with Auto-assist.

    I have tried to explain this to a techie on Chat but he also failed to understand the issue. Auto-assist is not doing what it is supposed to do.

  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    You won’t get the notifications if you’re subscribed to auto assist as it switches from home to away automatically. If you look on the app you should see it’s set to away when you’re away from home and home when you’re at home. Explain what you mean by ‘nor does the system toggle between Home and away automatically as it is supposed to do’. I still don’t see what you think isn’t working.
  • Is this what you see when you hit the geofencing tab when you’re at home? If so it’s working

  • Yes, that screen correctly identifies whether i am home or away. But the heating doesnt change unless i press the home button next to auto to invoke the change of state in the heating.
    If that screen shows i am away, it doesn't alter the heating, i have to press the away button.
    Therefore geofencing is working, but auto-assist isn't doing initiating the automatic changes to heating.
  • My problem is that it doesn't switch from home to away automatically although i have subscribed to auto-assist.

    Geofencing is correctly identifying home and away but the system isn't being changed at all.