A reduce heating button

Much like the boost heating option, it would be nice for an option to reduce the heating for a set amount of time.

Sometimes I find myself doing housework and then the house gets too hot. I only have the option to turn the heating off and then remember to turn it back on again.

With the reduce function I think it could be set in the settings but default to 1 hour maybe at 15c or at -X% or -X degrees of the set schedule value.

Surely it wouldn't take much development time to set this up. And it would be an excellent penny saver!
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  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    You said: I only have the option to turn the heating off and then remember to turn it back on again.

    'Taint quite the case. You can turn the heating down and then select an hour or any period at the base of the slider.