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Opentherm wired or wireless receiver?

There is any functionality difference in opentherm mode if the conection is made directly(wired) or wireless receiver?

If wireless receiver is not used and therefore will not comand the boiler via opentherm but thermostat will do this by direct connection(wired) the opentherm protocol will behave the same?

I am asking this cause the opentherm functionality via wireless receiver is too slow and boiler is at most of the time(99%) on, not fired but running just the boiler pump and actual fired probably 15% of the time,radiators lukewarm most of the time and almost never reach the set point temperature cause at 0.2 below set point the boiler is off and running only the pump for another hour and when temp drop 0.4-0.5 it fires again but running at 35-38ish °C and catch up 0,2-0,3 degrees and off... again and again same scenario.

Maibe someone knows more about this! Thank you!


  • andyblac
    andyblac ✭✭✭

    are you using SRT or WTS ?, I have found that SRT and OpenTherm do not play nice, as they can not "learn", I have been upgrading my rooms to use all WTS (2 room to go), and those rooms with WTS are working great now.

    (I am using the old Extension Kit in OpenTherm mode though)

  • BOG73
    BOG73 ✭✭
    edited March 2022
    @andyblac No. I don’t have any SRT,wished to expand Tado but now due to issues of the Tado generally functions I am using only thermostat,bridge and wireless receiver.
    Till next winter i will decide if Tado still worth the time and money. If nothing change this year and Tado will not add something to work for all boilers and systems i change my option,not worth to invest more in a product that gave me a lot of headache.
  • andyblac
    andyblac ✭✭✭

    so you are controlling 1 room ?

  • BOG73
    BOG73 ✭✭
    @andyblac yes,where the thermostat is. I have a total of 12 radiators but not an issue if they are not controlled,my issue is with the way Tado control the boiler in opentherm mode. If use relay is ok but what is the point to have Tado as a relay when any other thermostat will do same thing on/off.
  • andyblac
    andyblac ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022

    when it happens what is the temp in the room with the Tado Thermostat ? and what is the target temp?

    as the WTS can tell the boiler to fire up on pump only if it thinks the boiler has a warm water temp, it will fire the burner after a period of time if the temp as not increased. (this is if the target temp and room temp are less than 1˚c different.) this is what I have noticed personally.

  • BOG73
    BOG73 ✭✭
    20.5*C set temperature. Tado start at 20.5 to run the boiler pump at 20.5 (1 wave) and till temp drop to 20.2-20.1-20.00(sometimes) will not fire the boiler. Basically as long as I have 1 wave the boiler never fire,it run only the pump at 25C or lower for nothing. And when boiler fire it runs till 20.4 and stop and run again only the pump and all this cycle is 24h/day.
  • BOG73
    BOG73 ✭✭
    There is no control of radiators. Only the dumb thermostats,manually adjustable. So,can’t say there is something else apart of thermostat,receiver and bridge that can ask something or do something in Tado system.
  • andyblac
    andyblac ✭✭✭

    are you sure that your manual TRV are not closing ?, as a test can you remove the TRV (so it stay fully open) from the rad in the room with the WTS, and see if it make any difference.

  • BOG73
    BOG73 ✭✭

    I've done that and the room where WTS is has no TRV. Tado is running the boiler pump only most of the time,even at 25°C and start 30 sec then stop,pump running again for 30mi ,fire again 30 sec then pump only again....till the temp not drop and Tado algorithms not change to 2 waves will do like this and then goes to 1 wave an on and on ....the boiler pump run.At one point that boiler pump is like a mosquito in the room that buzzing relentlessly. It is annoying. My boiler is Viessmann 2019 model,opentherm enabled but now it's on relay and i use weather compensation,Tado on/off only,the setback is i have to change the curve 3-4 times a day cause of the outside temp difference( last night -6,now 13°c).

  • andyblac
    andyblac ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022

    Stupid question but, Is the Wireless Receiver in OpenTherm mode ? and not relay mode. Programmed via the WTS.

    see here https://www.tado.com/start/manuals/st/Wired%20Smart%20Thermostat%20Manual.pdf

    you will need Ek ON as that is Wireless Receiver.

    and one other stupid question you are using an EU version of the Wireless Starter Kit, that Wireless Receiver supports OpenTherm.

  • BOG73
    BOG73 ✭✭

    At the moment no,wireless receiver conected with boiler at relay No/Com,thermostat at R01.

    All connections where right every time R01 for relay or D01 opentherm with changed wired connection every time acording with the each functionality.

    Relay works but is on/off,pump is running only for 5 min after the boiler stops but....opentherm is making the pump run continuously. Off course every time i change relay with opentherm i did and the corect wiring and downloaded the DO1.

  • BOG73
    BOG73 ✭✭

    For how long your boiler pump is running without the boiler to fire,in opentherm connection?

  • andyblac
    andyblac ✭✭✭

    hmm, and with Ek = ON ?

  • BOG73
    BOG73 ✭✭

    Off course! Ek -on,HW-on-D01 that for opentherm

    EK-on-HW-off-R01 this for relay.

    I've tested both and i repeat,only on relay program the pump stops 5min after boiler stopped.

  • andyblac
    andyblac ✭✭✭

    Then I'm sorry, I'm out of ideas. Hopefully someone @tado_mod can help.

  • BOG73
    BOG73 ✭✭

    Customer support and said the only way to make the pump stop is to use Tado on relay,but is a shame cause i have bought Tado for opentherm capability.

  • BOG73
    BOG73 ✭✭

    I am tired of Tado customer support,the fact is,their product is not working for all boilers and my guess,Tado is for houses where insulation is not good,big difference of temp in different rooms,the PID algorithm that Tado use is calibrated for high heat loss and therefore the acclaimed capacity to save gas.

  • andyblac
    andyblac ✭✭✭

    yeah, it's a shame, OpenTherm works really well on my Baxi 800 series boiler.

  • BOG73
    BOG73 ✭✭

    Viessmann actually recommended Tado and i thought that both being german company will be easy to be integrated.

    Guess your UK Honeywell is better integrated with Viessmann.

  • andyblac
    andyblac ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022

    have you asked for Level 2 support ?, Sometime Level 1 do not know the true facts or are that knowledgable.

  • BOG73
    BOG73 ✭✭
    edited March 2022

    Honestly,have no ideea of a level 2 support,i've been in contact with one guy called Samir,presumably an engineer cause he's been passed to me from another person from customer support. For a month we've been talking but with long periods of no response and things are moving very slow,the guy tried to adjust some PID algorithms but no notably result,boiler fire short time then more then 1 hour running the pump only,when finally start the boiler will work for 15-20 min then everything goes back to the point where pump run only and so the same thing.

    Boiler should modulate and run till set point reached and stop but in my case the boiler is working in some way 24h/day(90% of the time pump only)

  • andyblac
    andyblac ✭✭✭

    ahh, that sounds just plain wrong. I see why you are frustrated.

  • BOG73
    BOG73 ✭✭

    Frustrated to say at a mild level....I am at that point where goes in the bin or smash it if frustration goes up!!

    This guy,Samir from level 2 probably, really trying to help and appreciate him but what he can do if Tado's PID algorithms will not let him to do something to suit my boiler.

    Definitely,there is an issue with Viessmann 100 B1KC(2019) COMBI. Maibe developers from Tado will look closer at Viessmann opentherm protocol and the way it communicate with Tado,i guess is something wrong with Viessmann boilers between Tado PID and the opentherm interface from Viessmann.