w.Intercom = i;Modify Limits of Room Temperature Control - Page 2 — tado° Community

Modify Limits of Room Temperature Control



  • This is completely unacceptable, I just got 20 valves installed in an old house, the radiators are embedded in the wall and enclosed in wood. As soon as the system came on most of the heads started measuring 30 deg Celsius or more and closed all the valves. I need an urgent solution, I'm effectively unable to heat my home after installing equipment literally worth thousands of dollars
  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator
    edited October 2022

    Is 'embedded in the wall and enclosed in wood' not the key problem here?

    • Will any other device work perfectly is such environment?
    • Did you try temperature offset?
  • @santip you’re going to need to buy some wireless temperature sensors and set them to be the measuring device. That’s your solution.
  • Hi,

    im just wondering did this been improving for NOT limited to 25°C and can give user full contorl our own temperature. So many people need this and don't think did company actually accept user's respond???

  • How is it possible that this thread exists since 2019 and Tado has never changed anything. A admin only wrote a message, saying its a safety feature.

    I do understand that point and its good there is a default maximum of 25 degrees. But some people want maybe more than 25 or have oddly placed radiators. For example mine are right next to big windows. So Tado measures 25 degrees but in the room I measure 20 degrees. Sure there is an offset feature for this, but I still want to heat over 25 degrees in my bathroom and this is something EVERY normal thermostat can do and even other smart thermostats like Netatmo can do. At least let me override the maximum on my own risk.

    Also as people already said for summer maintenance this is important and it feels really not smart to screw off a smart thermostat to be able to test my heater.

    Its not that hard to integrate this feature into the system and should just be an option I can set in the app. Its just disappointing cause everything else is so well done on the Tado app. So please just add this feature, it has been 3 years and so many people requested this…
  • My first smart thermostat 10 years ago (EQ Max) was having the feature of keeping the valve open if the temperature set was above 30° (yes, the limit was 30° and not 25°...).

    How comes that Tado is 10 years behind on this feature?

  • jowie
    edited January 2023

    I am also here to argue for the opposite situation. I would like to be able to limit people in the house from being able to turn up the TRVs beyond 22 degrees in order to save energy. Offset is an option but it's not great when checking the data because I have to do a mental calculation regarding the actual temperature. I think an upper limit per room (perhaps between 20-25ºC) should be a fairly easy software update.

    Tado should provide features encouraging economical and ecological usage.

  • I can't believe this is not implemented yet. It seems like such a simple thing to add and given the demand for it I am perplexed it hasn't been picked up.

    My use case: in the summer our floor heating act like a cooler. But in order to open the valve for cold water to flow I need to set (counter intuitively) the temperature higher than the room temperature. The room temp can be higher than 25 degrees, so I often find the tafo thermostat not being able to open the valve because of the 25 degrees limitation, while the stock thermostat could be set to higher temperatures.

    @Rob or any other admin. Could this feature request please be bumped up to the development team?
  • Just had the annual boiler maintenance and he couldn't get the heating to run because it was higher than 25 in the house. It really needs to allow it to go higher but with the option to set a lower Max for normal use.
  • I would say that until this is implemented (if it does get implemented) the best thing is to play with the temperature offset parameter. Not ideal but the only workaround that I'm aware of
  • Please allow setting more than 25C at least for super user. This limitation (decided by TADO developers, not by actual users) is not understandable. Everyone is a grown-up and can decide themselves. Besides, there are the use cases mentioned above.
  • Setting up a limit explicitely is NOT a safety feature. It's simply stupid implementation.

    NOT changing this even after many people face problem is Pure Arrogance.

    I bought 5 Tado thermostats, I would have to return this stupid product.

  • RazvanU
    edited November 2023

    I'm new to Tado, but reading all these remarks since almost 4 years ago and STILL NOT IMPLEMENTED, it's incredbile! This for sure it's completely IGNORANCE and ARROGANCE from Tado support team.

    If you are here looking to decide if you should BUY or not Tado, please don't! There is no actual support team at all.

  • Ridiculous that you buy a device and can't actually control the temperature. If you want to set defaults, that's fine, but you should let it be overridden to a custom value.

  • hi tado team, also from myself a very important feature!

    please add this to the app. thank you very much

  • SPT
    SPT ✭✭
    I went to my in-laws house and they have a boiler without OpenTherm, gold old simple relay system set at 70c. When the heating comes on, it is lovely and toasty, and warm.

    Unfortunately OpenTherm saves me money, and TRVs alone won't be accurate enough.
  • I will not be purchasing any more tado thermostats because of this feature & am thinking about switching to another smart thermostat.
  • pomo88
    edited January 2024
    I bought 8 today and i am not happy by this setting limit !

    We should be able to raise it however we want..
  • I’m on the side of a reduction in the limit also. Installed in hotel type setting to pre warm rooms for guests. Problem is people think a room will heat up quick let the higher the temperature is set so they turn it up full (25) then in 20 minutes it’s at 25 so the open a window and leave it on 25. If the limit was 30 then it would be up to 30 then the windows get opened. Either way. Having more control both ways you would think should be easy.
    I use Heatmiser Neo stat at 5 properties we have and my own home and all these settings can be adjusted and also locked so the wall stat is limited. The also more importantly allow multiple properties on one app. I’m actually more annoyed that this isn’t possible on that Tado app/system. Having to register separate buildings/houses with different email addresses and log out and then back in another name to go to another property is 1999 stuff not 2024.
    Not sure if KASA /Tapo has the ability to have multiple properties on one app? But Heatmiser don’t do TRVs so kind of stuck with about £5000 worth of TADO kit and work arounds as well as a constant stream of ‘open window detected’
    Also the TRVs could do with a locking screw so that people who aren’t familiar with them don’t unlock the head of it as I then get rooms at 29/30 degrees and ‘open window detected’
    I’ve drilled my own locking screw for 4 and seen to work so far.
  • It is totally not acceptable that Tado doesn't allow the upper limit to adjust!!! I am removing the whole Tado solution in my house as guests continuously turn the thermostat to 25*C. Resulting a 50% higher gas bill... Further the thermostats keep falling from the radiator.

    Anyone a recommendation for another brand, that does offer this feature?

  • +1, looking at the start date of this post I guess this feature might never happen.

    Please develop this feature, it sounds like such a simple feature (from the perspective of an engineer).
  • Hey Tado when will we be able to change the upper limit?

  • I have asked for this a few years ago & since it has not been implemented, I have not bought any additional Tado units. I get the feeling that Tado is not really user-centric as they try to be through all of their marketing material. Other companies can do this but it is too bad that such a nice ecosystem of hardware cannot be adjusted directly (there is a work around but then your temperature is off).

  • @orbmkruger Have you found out which brand can limit max temp?