w.Intercom = i;Smart AC control to activate AC based on room temperature — tado° Community

Smart AC control to activate AC based on room temperature

Currently the Smart AC control turns on the AC unit at the start of a time block, regardless of the temperature.

In my opinion that's a major flaw, because most (all?) home AC units still run their fan even if the room temperature is below the setpoint, so it's a waste of energy and also annoying to have the fan blowing continually when not needed.

What I would like Tado to do is turn the AC on at the start of a time block BUT only if the temperature is above / below the set point.

With this feature, you could set the AC to turn on overnight, cooling to 22degC. If it’s a cool day the AC won’t turn on, but if it’s above 22degC when the time block starts, then the AC will be turned on. After that, the AC will maintain the selected temperature until the end of the time block, at which point it will turn off.

Without this feature, then the AC will come on every night even in winter, or you just have to manually turn it on / off. Not very 'Smart'...!

11 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • This sounds like a good feature!

  • I agree 100%. The AC system is currently not very smart. Not switching the unit off when the desired temp is reached is a major flaw. It should at least be an option. Also not being able to assign the AC into an existing room is annoying. Its entirely feasible that if you leave it to its own devices, the radiator and ac compete against each other wasting energy.

    I also really dislike the app layout for AC - unlike the radiator section (which is lovely and easy), when you change the temperature on the AC you must press the tick in the top right hand corner. Annoying!

  • Agree! Would be a good feature. And the graph displays on all the time.

  • That is actually what i was trying to achieve!

  • This is a very good idea!

    My advance on this would be: would it be possible to have a setting so when the temperature drops below a certain point the AC is switched on and then switches off once the temperature has been raised to a predefined level? With similar functionality for when it gets too hot? 

    For example when the temperature goes below 15 degrees the AC is switch on and heats to desired temp(say 18 degrees). It then switches off, and then only switches on once the temperature falls to below 15 again?

    This would enable users to 1) keep rooms at an optimal temperature 2) save money on electricity from not having the AC unit on all the time..

  • AdzLill
    AdzLill ✭✭✭
    Just purchased the Smart AC Control to control my Mitsubishi Split.
    Absolutely baffled that this is the default way of control? I want it to be a thermostat to switch my AC off completely when it reaches temperature. Seriously considering sending the thing back????
  • The Tado AC control should really be adjusting the AC settings on the fly based on its temperature and humidity readings in order to achieve a comfortable environment.
    Most ACs have a badly positioned thermometer. And I think most don't have a humidity sensor at all. Not taking advantage of these two sensors is a huge fail for Tado.
    I mean, the app even has suggested AC settings based on sensor readings. Why can't it apply them itself?

    In my specific case, my ACs are very bad at keeping stable temperature and humidity levels. I was hoping the Smart AC cintrol would be able to account for that and... smartly control my AC (including turning it on or off if needed). As-is, my Tado is just a glorified remote control.

    TL;DR: just do what Ambiclimate used to do.