Power failure notification

Send a notification or an email if tado accessories lost connection which may mean a power failure (for example while you are in holiday, allowing to ask a reset to a friend).
8 votes

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  • Jim7463
    edited June 2023
    Absolutely. Twice recently the boiler controller has lost power, so the system doesn't heat. It is summer so there's no room heating on. The first time we find we've no hot water is when we try to have a shower. Brrr.
    That actually means it has probably failed some days ago as normally we've enough hot water for two days.
    Stupidly, the history as shown through the heating tab only shows when the hot water SHOULD have been heating. It certainly was not heating water this morning.
  • johnbur
    johnbur ✭✭✭
    Sadly, nobody from Tado responds on these forums anymore
w.Intercom = i;