Adding the "Disease" scheme

I am asking for the option of setting one "button" of the sickness scheme, when the heating of rooms that are switched off according to the plan needs to be urgently addressed, because normally during the day there is no need for heating in these rooms. But in the case of Home office, illness, etc., the heating scheme in places needs to be temporarily changed for a few days. And because of this, I think it is pointless to redo the entire room heating scheme...

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  • I think the OP is suggesting a 1-click alternative schedule. I suggested this before a couple of years ago but didn’t get much of a useful response other than the system does to some extent allow alternative schedules based on days

    Having said that it is easy to set temporary on durations etc from the room screen
  • Yes, looking for this function as well.

    One "Work from home" scheme and one for mid week holidays or sick leave.

  • Example scenario: You are home with a sick kidd on a week day where you normally the full familly would be at work/school. Hence you want more heating.

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