w.Intercom = i;Please search for your request before opening a new thread. — tado° Community

Please search for your request before opening a new thread.

Dear Community Members,

This part of the forum is intended to help us track the features that you, our customers, are interested in. We understand that you, as members of our forum, tend to represent more experienced users, often with in-depth knowledge of not only tado°, but similar products and services as well. We feel that you are therefore well-suited not only to make suggestions, but to help us gauge interest and demand.

Please keep in mind that, although valuable, the forum is only one of the ways we gather feedback. Because we also need to take into account feedback gathered through alternative means (including targeted studies) during product-planning sessions, it may happen that a suggestion you made may not be implemented straight away or in full.

Rest assured, we are listening, and we really appreciate your help to constantly improve our products and services.

On behalf of everyone at tado°, thank you.

This discussion has been closed.