EnergyIQ compare to same month last year not previous month

The energyIQ graph compare the last month with the current month. This doesn’t make much sense because any changes are likely to be seasonal and weather dependent rather than as a result of any actions. It helps to reduce energy usage and costs if we are comparing year on year consumption
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  • GrilledCheese2

    My graph shows consumption for both last month and last year.

  • andyblac

    yeah, I have same here too.

  • Phillip_PAL
    The prior year comparison cost doesn't appear if you are missing the earlier tariff, but change to quantity e.g. m3 and it will show same month in prior year comparison too so long as it has the room data for back then.
  • GrayDav4276

    Just a general question regarding the availability of historic data.

    If I reactivate my Auto Assist subscription (I usually cancel my subscription at end of March)..........will the graphs be able to show the historical data........or will it only be able to access "new data" starting from my re-subscription date.

    My cynical side suspects that tado° will require me to keep an active subscription at all times to achieve the promised comparison data.

    Anyone know ??🤔

  • GrayDav4276
    Can anyone provide me with an answer to my previous post ?? 🤔
  • andyblac

    @GrayDav4276 soz, I can't, I got my tado˚ devices back in the day when the sub was part of the purchase, not a monthly fee, so I don't pay for EnergyIQ.

  • GrayDav4276
    GrayDav4276 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Yeah, unfortunately I was a bit late in my initial purchase.....but thanks for your reply 👍

    Perhaps a tado° representative could throw a little light on the subject ?? 🤔
  • Manuel

    @GrayDav4276 If you reactivate Auto Assist the Energy IQ graphs for all periods since you installed tado° in your home will be again available for you and the heating estimation will be re-calculated.

  • GrayDav4276
    GrayDav4276 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Thanks for the reply.......I have now reactivated my Auto Assist.....and I have access to my old usage/meter readings.
    This has highlighted a massive inconsistency in the recorded readings......they bear no resemblance to my actual meter readings...... tado° has them recorded significantly higher than my total overall gas usage (which I consistently supplied in the ENERGY IQ feature) rediculous.
    I will try to rationalise the tado° figures over this month......if it appears to be "stupid" then I'll cancel the subscription again.
    Any tado° comments please......
  • andyblac

    I still do not understand WHY Tado˚ does not use OpenTherm (or the other digital protocols) to get the gas usage to be more accurate.