Electric towel rail controller

I keep hearing that in the UK, a huge amount of energy is wasted through the inefficient use of electric towel rails. Namely, they are dumb with on/off switches and are not managed alongside the heat output of the main central heating system. Therefore they are left on for long periods.

Tado, how about producing an electric towel rail switch that integrates into the ecosystem?

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  • I agree. My central heating system couldn't heat an additional radiator in my kitchen extension. I ended up modifying a radiator valve to operate an led and photo diode to switch a 16 amp relay. I realise not everyone is able to do this, (retired electronics engineer) but it would be even easier for tado. All they have to do is something like adapting the wired thermostat to switch 13 amps. Wouldn't be at all difficult.
    If I had had a wired thermostat instead of a spare smart radiator thermostat, it's what I would have done.
    My set up is operating an electric plinth heater but looks like an ordinary radiator valve.
  • So many new climate friendly heating devices are electric. I do nor understand why Tado does not offer a suitable switch to manage them

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