w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Vaillant Ecotec Plus 418 non-combi using Tado V3 starter 'combi' control (for digital ebus) — tado° Community

Vaillant Ecotec Plus 418 non-combi using Tado V3 starter 'combi' control (for digital ebus)

Hello, I have a Vaillant Ecotec Plus 418, I have acquired a Vaillant VR65 wiring centre and I can get a Vaillant thermistor for the hot water although this is optional (cylinder stat can be used) but required if the temperature is to be controlled digitally.

If I buy the Tado V3 starter kit which seems to be listed as for combi boiler control even though mine is not a combi, can I link the ebus terminals on the Tado, the boiler and the VR65 and it will work as this is how a Vaillant Vsmart is set-up?

If I also have a Vaillant thermistor for the cylinder, will the hot water temperatures show on the Tado app and can I control the hot water cylinder by time and temperature on the Tado app as Vsmart can?

Also, in heating mode with Tado wired to this Vaillant, will weather compensation or load compensation come into operation while in heating mode?

There are similar threads but they tend to talk about Vaillant combi's (models start with and 8) or system boilers (models start with a 6). I need to know how a Vaillant heat only boiler (starts with a 4) will behave when linked to Tado and a VR65 via digital ebus wiring.

One final question, if all of the above works and modulates as I wish, can I then add Tado TRV's to this?




  • Hello, I have now fitted this system and it appears to be working. Wired Tado with digi +- (black version). The VR65 allows cylinder thermostat or a Vaillant VR10 sensor, I've wired the cylinder stat for now and the sensor is on its way in the post.

    As I understand it, this set up allows the Vaillant boiler to use ebus for modulated control and it does load compensation. From searches, it seems that weather compensation is not something Tado actually does although 'weather adaptation' is used in a different way for early start? It doesn't matter though as the load compensation seems to be working now.

    Fitting Tado has unlocked some aspects of the boiler that were previously not active. On heating and hot water mode before, the maximum boiler output was restricted to 5-18KW. Now, the hot water charging output is adjustable from 5KW to 25KW.

    Currently, the temperature on the Hot water part of the app is not in use and is just an on/off which is then cut-off by the cylinder stat but I'm hoping that when I remove the cylinder stat and fit the sensor, the hot water temperature will be fully controllable.

    The Vaillant parameter for the mid position valve is currently at 'parallel' but I may put this back to 'normal' when the sensor arrives. I think that normal means hot water priority first then heating and not both ports open together.

    If I put it in this position then, If I want hot water off times that don't affect the heating, I'll need to set timed set-back temperatures for the cylinder. If say I put an off set-point of 30C for the hot water then the hot water priorty will be satisfied at this lower temperature and will allow the heating to operate. I think hot water 'off' may not work as the priority position means that the hot water needs to be ON but satisfied (rather than 'off') before the heating is allowed to work.

    By doing it this way, it may allow different temperatures to be set for heating and hot water because Vaillant's own Vsmart weather comp needs to be set hot water priority to charge the cylinder fast and hot but operate on lower flow temperatures for the heating.

    I'll see how it goes.

    So far I quite like the app, I prefer setting the programmes and temperatures on a PC but I was the same with HIVE.

    I used a lot of gas yesterday when setting it all up but this morning it seemed to use a lot less than before. Maybe ebus with load compensation allowed the boiler to work properly, the way it was designed to do?

    The hot water was too hot this morning so I may need to adjust things and maybe adjust the boiler's hot water KW setting or temperatures.

    I'm still working out if I can limit heating and hot water flow temps at the boiler or whether the ebus ignores these and does its own thing.

    I'll give an update later if anything to report.

  • Still waiting on the hot water sensor in the post but, wow, this load compensation is very interesting! I've used much less gas the past two days now since the ebus took control and modulates my central heating flow temperature.

  • I'm interested in doing same with my new 418 boiler. I was worried that old discontinued vr65 won't work with newer boiler. How did it go with temperature sensor, did you get water temperature settings in app or only in boiler?
  • I managed to find second hand VR65 and ordered NTC sensor as well.
    BTW, do you have Y plan 3 port or S plan with 2 2 port valves?
  • Hello, as I understand it, only the old VR65 will work with Tado properly, the other Vaillant wiring centres are for Vaillant controls only.

    Yes it's all working very well.

    You need to join the +- terminal on the wired Tado thermostat to the VR65's ebus connections and also join to the boiler's ebus connections.

    The sensor shows a live temperature reading at the boiler in the boiler's D menus, the maximum the boiler is allowed to put the hot water cylinder temp to via the VR10 sensor, ebus control is 60C.

    It doesn't show the current cylinder temp on the Tado app, just the target cylinder temperature. The target temp on the app allows 65C maximum but the boiler ebus changes this back to 60C max. ie. if you set the Tado HW target to 61-65C then it's actually just 60C.

    The VR10 sensor is really supposed to slide into a 'dry pocket' housing in an unvented cylinder but you can strap it to the bare metal of a normal cylinder 1/3 of the way from the bottom.

    I put some heat sink on the sensor too for better thermal conductivity. Get the thicker type of aluminium foil tape, tape the thermistor to the copper of the cylinder then get a piece of polystyrene, cut it to the size of the rectangle you have cut out or the old cylinder stat had cut out and foil tape over it too. I had some left over foil bubble wrap so I also put that on top of the polystyrene and foil taped it neatly. I put the old cylinder stat's retainer strap round it all to hold it tight.

    I have a Y plan 3 port but it's easy wiring for either. There is a wiring diagram on the inside cover or the VR65.

    You need to leave the boiler in normal mode (hot water priority) and not parallel mode if you wish the radiators to modulate with load compensation properly while the hot water goes to a much higher temperature. If the water has reached temperature or is off then the heating can do what it likes.

    I've tweaked it a few times but it seems to be working perfectly now. The water heats quickly, reaches temperature and the heating runs as low as it wants, sometimes running pump only if it doesn't need to fire (as in it's very close to the setpoint).

    I've also put two cheap LCD temperature sensor thermistors from Amazon on my cylinder, one next to the VR10 and one nearer the top.

    Because of these I can see exactly how fast the cylinder reheats and how hot it is up top and further down. I foil taped it the same as the other one. The top one I have cut a bit out the insulation carefully just above where the dome shaped cylinder top meets the vertical sides, placed it back on top of the thermistor and taped it.

    The boiler works totally differently now since connecting the Tado via ebus.

    You'll be impressed.

    All the best.

  • incar
    edited March 2023
    That is great! Don't understand why it is not supported officially and more than 10 years old VR65 is the only one that works...

    Now I can't wait for all bits to arrive...

    Next will be to try integration for HomeAssistant to get stats from boiler...
    VR920 VR921 might work but it is bit too expensive. Will try ebus deamon https://ebusd.eu/
  • I think it was something to do with the VR66 onwards being able to do more than one heating zone valve and this was some kind of problem for the Tado.

    I haven't seen that ebus site before, interesting.

    The Vaillant controls are expensive as you need to buy the gateway too. I think if you use actual Vaillant controls connected to the same ebus network as the Tado then there might be some kind of conflict.

    I don't know enough about it but maybe you can get some hardware and connect it to the ebus wiring which will be 'read only' to an app but not interfere with the Tado's control?

  • Montage
    Montage ✭✭✭

    The good thing about a protocol that is truly a bus, is that you can connect multiple devices. OpenTherm, despite being digital, is not a bus and you can only have a boiler and a controller; you’d need something to act as a gateway in order to intercept traffic.

  • I didn't know that Montage, I thought Opentherm was just a more well known version of ebus.

    So really, we could connect flow and return pipe temperature sensors to some sort of ebus device and connect it to any of our ebus connections and maybe see these temperatures on another app? Or not even need to do that because the boiler already has that info, we just might want to see it on an app?

    I once worked for a BMS/BEMS controls company and often connected equipment like air conditioning units to our equipment using FDP3 interface boards that allowed modbus control. I think the other main one used widely was bacnet. I heard some of the controls engineers talking about bacnet.

    Someone explained to me that modbus was just a protocol which is not a language but a series of pre-agreed commands and agreements like a series of handshakes.

    I found a sheet somewhere listing Vaillant ebus commands and it looked like it was only one page, not many actual commands to send back and forth but maybe it doesn't need to be complicated.

  • incar
    edited March 2023
    I have external sensors on pipes for feed and return temperature and analog inputs for pump state and call for heat that is running on Shelly I4 with addon. All information can be seen on device web interface or in HomeAssistant. Now moving to ebus I will lose call for heat state.


    Idea to read existing data from ebus sounds good.

    Since there is no option to buy ebusd adapter for now I will try to make read only Arduino adapter or even full ebusd.
  • Well yesterday I finished installing VR65 with NTC temperature sensor.
    Initially it didn't work for DHW, I was getting Cylinder charging off message on boiler. I couldn't find anything in installer menus but when I run install assistant it gave me option to activate DHW. After that I was able to set DHW temperature.

    Now everything seems to be working on boiler side including 3 port valve position and cylinder temperature reading in d menu, but in Tado app no temperature settings just on off toggle.

    GazzaH how and when you get hot water option changed in Tado app?

    Little side note regarding hot water temperature setting (and that might explain why max is 60). It appears that DHW temperature setting on boiler is for actual target temperature in cylinder and not boiler flow temperature to heat cylinder.

    Now I can see that when HW cylinder is heated boiler actually modulates flow temperature as well, it starts with full power, then reduces to about 60% and before reaching target temperature down to about 10%.

    Now the only thing to sort out is HW temperature setting in Tado app...
  • This is what I get in Tado app

  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    I believe that Tado support can change this. Not sure there’s a way to do it without them.
  • Hello Incar, when you set-up the Tado on the Thermostat in the Tado D07 menu, did you select the correct options?

    Did you not need to specify something in the Tado stat in the D07 menu? Like type of boiler or something?


    Also, I think mine may not have had the temperature showing at first but I may have left everything powered off for 5 mins or more and when I powered it all back up and it rebooted, I think it maybe worked out what was connected and showed the correct temperature option for HW?

    Either that or it may be a Tado support issue at their end.

    Also, when I first connected mine up I still had the cylinder stat connected. I fitted the VR10 sensor a week or so later. Maybe the temperature appeared after powering it off with the VR10 connected and rebooting?

    I can't remember now!

    I think it appeared later. As in a matter of minutes.

    I think you should power the boiler fused spur off for 5 mins. Maybe then power the bridge off for 5 mins? Then power up the bridge until it's on properly then lastly power up the boiler spur? Also maybe stay out of the app while this is all happening? It then miraculously may have righted itself.

    If all that fails maybe Tado just need to do something at their end.

    Sorry I couldn't be of more help, I should have written down everything I did for future reference!

  • Hazzah I think I have done all things mentioned by You. All settings done on Tado setup, various reboots and still same on Tado app. I even contacted support, still waiting for reply.

    Could you please share screenshot of water temperature control? So far support is not helpful, screenshot would help me to point out that function is available.
  • GazzaH
    edited March 2023

    There you go incar.

    To confirm, can you see the actual current cylinder temperature in the boiler's D menus?

  • Thanks! Yes I have actual cylinder temperature readings in boiler d menu.

  • incar
    edited March 2023

    Now I can report that temperature control in Tado app was enabled from technical support side. Originally Tado support advisor was clueless about this function and was saying that it is not available, but after providing screenshot it was passed on to technical and magically it appeared in Tado app!

    I'm really glad that we have a community forum with stubborn power users that is achieving results which was denied by Tado support...

    Now if we all join together could we ask Tado to make available current HW temperature to show in Tado app?

    It shouldn't be that complicated, data is available on EBUS, just like flow temperature that is available in installer app.

  • Current flow temperature!

  • Good. Glad it worked out.

    I agree, if the info is flying around the ebus network then why not make it show the live temperature as well as the target?

    Although this would only do the Vaillant set-up, they'd need to do all the bus networks mentioned in their digital set-up instructions and opentherm.

    Maybe the demand isn't worth the manpower in their eyes.

  • The maximum allowable boiler flow pipe temperature can be set in the Vaillant D menu's and also the CH temp selector buttons and the ebus can't make it go above this.

    Set the boiler heating flow temperature to 66C, turn the heating set point in Tado way up high to 25C or something to create a big demand for heat and when the boiler gets to full working temperature you'll notice it will level off at 66C.

  • incar
    edited March 2023

    I have set my boiler heating flow to 60°

    This Is my flow temperature for last 24h, first spikes on high heating demand following smaller when it was just keeping normal room temperature and then last higher spikes is when heating water cylinder.

  • Just to compare with day when it was still connected with analog control. Yes it was colder day but still difference between analog and digital with heat modulations is huge!

  • Ah yes, I might have said it wrong, the CH flow temp with this Tado ebus is limited at the boiler by the user setting which could be 60C or whatever but when it goes into HW charging mode it heats anything up to 80C to heat the cylinder as fast as possible to the hot water set point and doesn't care how hot the boiler flow pipe gets while doing so (with an upper limit of 80C).

    How are you logging these graphs incar? It's quite good!

  • incar
    edited April 2023
    Software part I'm using HomeAssistant and for loads of other things for smart home, hardware is Shelly I4 with addon and DS18B20 sensors attached to pipes or cylinder.
    There is some other smart relays from Shelly like shelly plus1, plus1pm and plus2pm that you can use with addon.
    It is possible to use just shelly devices on its own for monitoring without history.
  • This is screenshot from i4 gui.

  • Montage
    Montage ✭✭✭

    The Shelly devices are a great solution.

    I went down the Sonoff route, with the same temp sensors and use Node-Red, InfluxDB and Grafana to end up with a graph. The HASS route is a probably simpler. I plot demand from the Tado API and overlay that on the flow and return temps graph.

  • incar and Montage, thanks for the info.! I'll look into this hardware.

    Montage, do you also have a Vaillant on Tado then?

    Can I ask what happens on your graphs when you switch to return based control in D17?

    It supposed to be for underfloor but you can make a normal system respond this way although I have heard people say it cycles too much. It may not cycle with the ebus control the same.

    I find on mine that if you set it on return based control in the Vaillant D17 parameter, value=1 and set the flow temp to 80 on the normal display, it makes my return target limited to 55C (the dew point) as seen in another D parameter (return temp target I think. It seems to be readable but not settable, seems to be set indirectly from setting the flow temp). In theory, the flow gets to where it wants as long as the return stays 55C or below, always condensing but can put out the max heat it wants. I halved the CH anti cycle time too as on other forums people were saying it was cycling off too much (I think they also didn't realise what temperature they were setting). If you set the CH flow too low on return based control it stays very very low in operation.

    Really, logging it like you two can do over time is the real test. The only other thing is that, if the return is limited, then you need to make sure the flow is definitely hot enough to heat the cylinder to the setpoint.

    I have my Ecotec Plus 418 set to AUTO in D01, return based in D17, Hot water target 60C, 80C CH flow (which on return based control allows the return to go to 55C - I think). It all seems to be working well.

    I could do with logged graphs though to see if what I think is happening is actually happening.


  • Montage
    Montage ✭✭✭

    Sorry if I got your hopes up, I have a pretty dumb WB boiler. Just SL control. Next boiler will be something intelligent.