easier accommodation of Landlords for BTL properties



I have Tado in our home. We have smart thermostats on all our radiators and I really like the system.

I am also a landlord for 2 BTL properties and wondered about setting it up in them.

I can't see how to go about this with the current system. I wouldn't want tenants to pair devices to their own account, because tenants change and it would be hassle to set up the new tenants to each device.

I also cannot set up my own account and give them access because I already have my own residence setup on my account.

The only solution I can see at the moment would be to setup new email accounts to register separate Tado accounts for each property.

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  • davidlyall
    davidlyall ✭✭✭

    Yes, separate accounts is the way to go at the moment. You could then invite them to the account for the property BUT, there is no access control with Tado so they could then remove you!

    When you have a tenant in place, you really shouldn't be accessing the system as I think there could be privacy implications

    Tado really do need to start supporting multiple homes and also include access control so the owner can decide what other users are able to do