Air Comfort telling me my room is too humid !!

The air comfort page on the app and website doesnt appear to be that intelligent.

Its telling me various messages about ventilation and not drying clothes in the house and extractor fans etc etc. but what it doesn't seem to be taking into account is the outdoor humidity.

for instance - in this screenshot its telling me my house is too humid at 67% but outside the humidity is 88% (not shown in the app or website) if I was to ventilate etc I would bring into the house 88% humidity air from outside so the humidity would go up.

Surely this needs to be modified to take into account the type of climate you live in. (uk coastal in my case) otherwise its going to tell me my house is too humid the entire year round (even though it is in fact dryer inside that out) - which makes it useless information.

4 votes

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  • It's also got a very narrow range for comfort, and you can't change it.

    e.g. I've verified that the smart TRVs are reading an accurate temperature (or accurate enough - i.e. that their position next to the radiator isn't massively out of whack with the air/wall temperature elsewhere in the room), or adjusted their offset if not.

    ...and we're all actually very comfortable at 19-20. We almost never have any room up as high as 21. 18 is "ok" also though I wouldn't necessarily call it "comfortable" for just sitting around in.

    But air comfort isn't happy unless the temperature is 20+, making it a very rare occurrence outside of summer that we're even in the highlighted circle, let alone good enough 'humidity'.

    If we could set our comfort range ourselves, this would help make the air comfort screen more than a space-waster.

  • CrogUk
    edited October 2023

    I think the app needs improving to educate users in this respect of Humidity that OP mentions e.g. 100% relative humidity at 9C is only 54% humidity at 19C. In UK winter its almost always going to be less humid outside albeit feels wet the cold air cannot physiucally hold as much moisture as the warm air can, a system to inform when it is good to open windows is preferred afaik.

    Using Dew point or other calculators is a lot of unecessary user work so this needs to be included in the app somehow to educate everybody as to how humdiity works :) This is a useful site including a forcast tool Humidity Calculator | Richard Stanton (

  • CrogUk
    edited October 2023

    There is existing idea that should be voted on Integrate outside air humidity — tado° Community

  • I've been monitoring humidity using the tado TRV's and, given the time of year and UK weather, I decided to take action and buy a dehumidifier given I'm getting readings of over 70% humidity in some rooms.

    Dehumidifier in place, doing its job well... but I noticed the humidity reading on the dehumidifier is way lower than the readings I'm getting from the tado TRVs... tado says 78% humidity.... dehumidifier reads 55%.

    I decided to buy three standalone sensors and stand them next to each other, they all consistently read closer to the dehumidifier (+/- a few %), all WAY lower than the tado TRVs.

    I tested this in each room, and for each, the readings on the standalone sensors and the dehumidifier are within a few %, but the tado TRVs are reading so much higher. Something isn't right here... the same applies to the temperature reading. Looks like tado is way off compared to multiple external devices.

    I'd be keen to hear other views on this.

w.Intercom = i;