w.Intercom = i;Wiring a Worcester 32cdi compact for EMS — tado° Community

Wiring a Worcester 32cdi compact for EMS

Hi all,

I could really do with your help to make sure I'm not doing something stupid.

I want to switch my set-up over to using EMS on my Worcester 32cdi boiler - as currently it isn't.

I'm assuming based on the pictures below I would do the following:

  1. In picture 1: I would move the grey cable in the Yellow LR CH port to the EMS Port (shown in Orange on the left)
  2. In picture 1: I would move the black cable in the Orange L 240 Out port to the EMS Port (shown in Orange on the left)
  3. In picture 2: I would move the Black Cable in the NO port to the - port on the right
  4. In picture 2: I would move the Brown Cable in the COM port to the + port on the right
  5. I would set the 'Control Interface' in TADO to use D17

Can someone please confirm if that would work ? Is that all I need to do ?

I would really appreciate if someone could let me know...

Picture 1:

Picture 2:


  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    I don’t know anything specific about your boiler (like whether Tado supports it for a digital connection) but that should be all you need to do for a digital connection.
  • Thanks - can anyone else also confirm what I've put would work ?

    I'm now wondering should I also link the L and LR ports ?

    Thanks for any advice anyone can provide...

  • Would love to hear the outcome here.

    I have basically the same boiler, and am considering getting tado to use ems modulation.

    But it is hard to find definitive info or even success stories showing the wiring used and the outcome.
  • @retrospek Did your reconfiguration work for you?

    I'm fitting the 32CDi with a Tado V3+wireless kit and was thinking of making use of the EMS capability which i think Tado supports…

  • policywonk
    policywonk ✭✭✭
    edited November 2024
    According to Tado's technical guide this boiler can be handled using the D17 setting to enable HT-BUS protocol on Tado's configuration.. you will need a full guide from them. Ask for it via the app, they should provide a detailed guide.
    You seem to have a distinct control of both HW and CH right now. If you want to change over they need to validate the applicability of the products you have for that mode.
    Strictly follow their instructions.