Does anyone know what versions of EBUS are currently supported by Tado in their wired or



I'm looking for a straight answer on what versions of EBUS are currently supported by Tado in their wired or wireless extension kit?

I did see a post from 2019 saying EBUS was supported up to version V65 is that still the same or are more recent versions now supported?

Or does the new kit only support Opentherm as that is all that is mentioned here?

I want to connect the Tado with modulation control to a glow-worm ultimate combi boiler which only supports EBUS



Best Answer

  • Emcee
    Emcee | Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @rdm1,

    Thank you for your contribution to the tado° community forum. Unfortunately, it appears your post has gone unanswered. If the issue you've described still persists or if you continue to have questions about tado° products and services, please do not hesitate to outline these in a new post.

    We are making concerted efforts to revitalise the forum in order to ensure a more lively community space.

    Looking forward to future discussions!