Need to add an additional Heating Unit in the Energy IQ feature (Cubit Feet) for the UK


I'd like to request that the Tado Development team add an Heating Unit of Cubic Feet (ft3) in the Energy IQ part of the app. At the moment, there is only m3 (cubic metres) and Kwh there at the moment, and a huge number (Millions) of UK homes have gas meters with cubic feet callibration not m3 or kwh. Without having Cubic Feet as a heating unit, it is making this element of the app feature completely redundanct.

To be honest, this is going to be such an easy feature to implement as it is simple mathematics from a programming point of view, so I would expect that this should be a very quick and easy request to develop, test and implement.

1 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • GrayDav4276

    @HabaneroHead I could be wrong.....but I'm pretty sure that this has been requested before........and I'm sure that you are actually correct in the simplicity of the programming change required.......but tado have already ignored this ........and will continue to do so for the remaining lifecycle of this generation of tado devices.

  • HabaneroHead

    Tado support asked me to post this on this Community, why would they continue to ignore it if they've asked for this?

  • GrayDav4276
    GrayDav4276 ✭✭✭
    edited January 10
    Sorry to disappoint you.....but tado is not exactly the best at responding to user requests.....this is no more than a delaying tactic..... it will take years to get enough votes to even be registered by tado as an area for their consideration, and there are many other requests for tado action that have basically been put on the back burner and "the can" has been well and truly "kicked down the road"