w.Intercom = i;Smart control of 11 UFH zones — tado° Community

Smart control of 11 UFH zones


I wonder if there is any way to use Tado wireless kit to control 11 separate under floor heating zones?

Today I have two Roth controllers, one with 5 zones and the other with 6 zones and everything controlled by 11 of their wireless thermostats.

I would really like to make all of them "smart" and be able to control it all through my phone.


  • Is been some time since you posted. You still seeking help?
    Do you want all the thermostats, controlling the actuators, in the two ufh manifolds to be wireless and want tado?
    It can be done, but you need to assign wired thermostats to nominate wireless thermosats as proxies. There are references on this forum. Come back if you can't find them.