w.Intercom = i;Multiple, configurable schedules — tado° Community

Multiple, configurable schedules

In the post-pandemic world splitting schedules by Weekday / Weekend is not flexible enough. We work sometimes in the office, sometimes from home. The kids are sometimes in school, sometimes there is a school break. And so on. It's incredibily time consuming and tedious to have to readjust schedules every time a change happens.

It would be useful if the app offered the ability to name schedules, save them, and load them up when needed. So you could have a 'WFH' schedule, a 'School break' schedule, and so on.

14 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • It's weird this feature hasn't been developed given how many people now work dynamically between home and other locations. It's a real drawback for Tado.

  • Totally agree. It's ridiculous for example that I can't tap a button to say I have a guest staying the night, and have the schedule alter to heat the spare room.
  • This type of customisation has been asked for many times before. If it was implemented it would be such an advert for Tado and could be used to push for an even greener profile / benefit for smart heating.
  • I’ve asked for something similar before. My use case is… I’d like user-named schedules for different seasons (eg: Spring, Winter Weekends etc.)
    Even better if we could program these to start at a particular date, or even allow an API so they can be activated / deactivated from an iOS shortcut for example.
  • I had a honeywell thermostat maybe 20 years ago that had three buttons...

    👜 Suitcase - set number of days to stay in away mode. (redundant with tado geofencing).
    ☕ Coffee cup - extend current temp setting by an hour (or more with additional presses), ideal for staying up later than usual. Usual programme extends after number of hours have passed.
    🛏️ Bed - apply Sunday program today. Ideal for national holidays, or in fact any day you're on holiday. Usual program resumes at midnight.

    I'm in the club here. I have every room zoned, and making adjustments to keep rooms warm for a late night (say the lounge, bedroom and kitchen) is tiresome.
  • Could we have a global setting to increase or decrease the temperature asked for by the TRVs whilst in a current running schedule. For example I have a current schedule running for beginning of Autumn here in the UK, but sometimes it's colder than expected or even a bit warmer than expected. The ability to adjust a global slider up or down to alter all the the requested temps (all different in all rooms and different time blocks within each room) instead of going into each time block within a room's schedule would be so so useful. This should not affect the schedule timing, just + or - the required temps.Is this already available and I have missed it?
  • I agree with all of the above, I’d just also like to ask to bring scheduling further forward in the UI. Its quite ridiculous how difficult it is to change a schedule slightly across just two rooms, let alone a whole house going in and out and having to scroll back down the list because its scrolled you back to the top. One screen that is showing you all the schedules TOGETHER and then the copy room schedule to… button would finally make sense as an added bonus