w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Schedule profiles — tado° Community

Schedule profiles

I have now had the tado system for nearly a week, and its certainly better than my old hive system. You guys have done a good job on it. However you (and every competitor) are missing what I believe is probably an important feature for many people, and I can say 100% would have made me choose to move to you years ago had you had this already.

My situation

I work from home every day. However my wife works at home only on some days, on a shift pattern. So she always works from home on Weds, but on one week will also be at home on Mon/Tue. The next week she will be at home Thu/Fri instead.

The issue

When my wife is at work, Im happy to have it set to a higher temp only in my office, but every other room I would like to set to a setback temp. I dont want the house to get too cold, but I also dont need it to be hot in every other room of the house. The only options I have at present is to go through 14 thermostats and manually adjust them, on the days she isnt here. Or make a schedule for one of those rooms, and copy it to all other radiators, just for the 2 days. Reversing that action after a couple of days. As you can tell, thats a lot of messing about on something that should be quickly automated.


Of course, you may come up with your own solution to this problem, but in my opinion it would be great if we could have profiles for the system as a whole. So for me, I would have 2 distinct set of profiles, named "Wife in" and "Wife out". These would both have a very distinct set of schedules, and would mean I can switch at the click of a button.

The funny thing about the above, is you are very very close to already having this. You essentially have 2 profiles at the moment already (home and away).

6 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    Have you not looked at schedule days? There are 3 options: Mon-Sun could be wife in; Mon-fr, Sat, Sun could be you in?

  • Thanks for the attempt at solving my issue. Unfortunately thats not possible. My wife works patterns, so there isnt a specific days. Essentially, she works Monday to Friday. She works from the office on Weds every week. However she works from home Mon/Tue one wee, then Thu/Fri the week after in an alternating pattern. So what I would have to do at the moment is change every device, every week, in order to suit the shift pattern she is on

  • Even for things like "Im on holiday from work", this would be helpful for.

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    Then use 2 of the options for your wife and one for you. I am only saying this cos it will be at least 2 millennia before tado address your request!

  • I dont understand what you mean by use 2 options. Its not possible, as far as I can see. Thats the whole request

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭
    edited February 2024

    Use, for example:

    1. Mon-Sun for a set of schedules for your wife's even weeks.
    2. Mon-Fri,Sat, Sun for a set of schedules for your wife's odd weeks.
    3. Mon,Tue, Wed etc, for a set of schedules for non-working weeks or anything different.

    Once you have them set up, you just select which schedule days set you wish to have in operation.

    I suspect the 3 options for schedule days were originally set up to permit users to have flexibility in choosing one of the 3 to suit their needs but many have found that they can be also used as sets of schedules to be called up at will.

    I have just re-read your post and Option 2 and 3 above would be better used for your wife and option 1 (Mon-Sun) used for anything else.

  • Oh, I see what you mean. Didnt actually realise that would "stick" when switched. Thank you very much for that. Thats really helpful

  • Of course doesnt change the suggestion, as still have to do it for each unit. But it's still much faster than I was doing it

  • Oh, actually that still wouldnt work. Because if you set say "Mon-Sun" for the set of schedules for wifes even weeks, I still cant set something different for Mon/Tue as it is for Thur/Fri. The only option I can actually do is option 3, because it's the only one that will allow me to set different for different days

  • Even attempted to switch off/on with the heating setting on those days, but when you switch it back on, its reset.

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    I altered my post to say use option 2 for even days and option 3 for odd days leaving Mon-Sun for unused or what have you.

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @Marc_S Upon reflection you are right BUT you can still do it if you use all 3 options

  • I agree, we need to have more than 2 profiles home and away. i have different schedule requirements based on:

    Guests staying

    snow day (its snowing today)

    working from home

    keep the cat warm

    … plus others without having to ammend the schedules

    I'll repost