Room Thermostats for auto restart after power cut


We have new room thermostats from Hetta (they are not smart but are digital). We suffer with lots of power cuts here. The Hetta digital room thermostats don't automatically switch back on when the power is restored. I am looking for room thermostats which are hardwired (with a battery if required) and MUST automatically restart when power is restored. Please can you let me know which of Tado thermostats this applies to if any.

I am worried if I go on holiday in the Winter months my central heating could be off for a number of weeks - which could cause burst pipes etc. I was told by Hetta that I need to buy their smart thermostats - but how do I know without checking each day that they are still working.


  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    Sorry but I am not clear what you are wanting. Are you asking if tado room thermostats will work with your Hetta system? If so, I very much doubt anyone here will have that knowledge - I could, of course, be wrong!